Carpal Tunnel Pain in Plano TX?

Did you know that just as nerves become pinched in your back by the bones in your spine, the bones in your wrist may also compress nearby nerves giving rise to the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome? While many people seek treatment through surgical means, our Plano TX chiropractor at Epic Chiropractic has had success in finding carpel tunnel syndrome relief through non-invasive adjustments to the bones of the wrist.
With surgical procedures costing anywhere between $6,000 and $11,000 dollars and only resulting in full resolution of symptoms in less than 60% of the cases, many people are beginning to elect a more conservative approach to care. For these reasons, our doctors at Epic Chiropractic have prepared this short article to provide you some general information about carpal tunnel and the alternative solutions available.
Carpal Tunnel in Plano TX
Many people visit our clinic with complaints of wrist pain and questions regarding what exactly carpal tunnel syndrome feels like. Typically, as the median nerve is compressed due to swelling and bony misalignments of the wrist, patients begin to feel sensations of burning, pain, tingling or swelling extending from the first to the third digit and the thumb. It is not uncommon for patients to report that they have recently noticed weakness throughout the affected hand or that picking up small objects isn’t as easy as usual. Occasionally people develop the feeling of swelling in their hand as the median nerve becomes compressed, even when no swelling is present.
In addition to questions about what carpal tunnel syndrome feels like, patients often wonder how they developed the condition. Typically, the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome isn’t completely evident. However, some patients are able to recall an injury to the wrist that caused the symptoms to develop shortly after. Certain occupations have also been shown to contribute to the development of the condition with jobs that involve long-term use of vibrating instruments and the repetitious use of the hands and wrist topping the list. Finally, metabolic disorders involving the pituitary and thyroid gland can also contribute to its development.
Depending on the activity, carpal tunnel typically begins in a person’s dominant hand, but symptoms throughout both hands is not uncommon. Unfortunately, many health care professionals only focus on the site of pain when the problem actually lies elsewhere. In fact, it has been shown that patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms typically have nerve irritation stemming from the spine. This is often why carpal tunnel decompression surgeries are unsuccessful nearly 40% of the time. While carpal tunnel is more common in the dominant hand, it is also nearly 3 times more common in women due to the size of the tunnel itself.
What are the Best Approaches Available?
The most appropriate management for your carpal tunnel syndrome largely depends on the underlying cause. As with most conditions, it is advised that patients begin with non-invasive and more affordable care. While prescription medications, decompression surgeries, and forms of physical therapy may provide short-term relief, the symptoms often reappear without the correction of the nerve interference in the spine. Your chiropractor at Epic Chiropractic will perform an evaluation of your condition and formulate an individualized care plan that best suits you. Following spinal corrections, many patients experience substantial improvements in their symptoms. If symptoms persist, adjustments to the bones of the wrist and therapies to the surrounding tissues are often considered.
At Epic Chiropractic in Plano, TX we understand that making decisions about how to manage carpal tunnel syndrome can be difficult. If you would like more information about carpal tunnel or schedule a consultation, contact our clinic today.
8:30am - 2:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
3:30pm - 6:30pm
8:30am - 2:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm
8:30am - 2:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm
By Appointment Only
Saturday & Sunday
By Appointment Only
Epic Chiropractic
5000 Legacy Dr #310
Plano, TX 75024